The Universe knows how to connect the right individuals in life.
You know..the ones who simply get you, inspire you, and ignite the power within you?
Your presence here signifies a shared desire to elevate our lives.
And I am here for It!
We’ve all got a story to tell, and mine unfolds with hidden elements that revealed the extraordinary power I possess to heal and transform my entire being. My past has been marked by a painful history of abuse encompassing narcissistic, mental, emotional, sexual, and physical. But it was through these trials and turbulent relationships and an unaligned 13-year career that the Universe desperately begged for my attention loud and clear—to truly hear and honour the gifts and voice I was born to use. Amidst battles and patterns of unworthiness, toxic entanglements, and self-medicative coping habits, I found myself navigating through a profound darkness that ultimately illuminated the very essence of light I needed in order to realign and re-design my entire life and identity.
(to read my full story, click here)
Over the past 5 years of deep transformative work, soul-searching, and a hell of a lot of self-healing, I’ve crafted a unique process that allowed me to become a master at recognizing and disrupting the patterning and programming that had kept me on auto-pilot and trapped in cycles of frustration and disempowerment for far too long.
As my life continued to change for the better and blossom into a reality beyond my wildest dreams, it became very clear to me that what I had discovered truly works, and I was meant to share it with others, empowering them to embrace their highest purpose too.
Today, I help clients across the globe through my signature program ASCEND and teach them how to crack the code into their own subconscious so they may unlock the life they came here to live. As the Earth continues to evolve and ASCEND, so must we, and I’ve streamlined the process, making it easy for you to learn, digest, and master, so you can finally starting living as the person you were destined to be.
I've got a big mission to fill here in this lifetime, and I couldn't be more blessed to be doing what I do, and helping others become who they truly came here to be.
(to read my full MISSION, VISION and VALUES click here)
For the last 9 years, I've been on a relentless quest to understand the meaning of life and how to master the game. Through the lowest lows and highest highs, I've delved deep into my subconscious, discovering profound truths about our identity and the inherent power we all possess to initiate radical shifts within ourselves and create the life we desire and deserve.
The Official ASCEND with Marisa Journey
In this 6-session journey with me, I will teach you the formula that I've created and used countless times to break free from fears, limiting patterns, subconscious beliefs and old conditioning & programming.
ASCEND is offered in both group & private journeys.
Disclaimer: This work is serious business, but will yield you serious results.
The ASCEND Community Platform
We all know the power in collective consciousness, and on my personal and private platform I share so much about myself, my secrets for success, and everything you need to know to support you in your ASCENSION journey!
Bonus: ASCEND with Marisa participants receive discounted pricing.
Disclaimer: Being a member of this community will accelerate your ascension. 😉
I just wanted to say that you’re beautiful, you’re authentic and you’re an inspiration.
From the darkness comes the most beautiful light you’ll ever find. I can say that the best people in life are those that have suffered, survived, empowered themselves! The world needs, a slightly damaged soul to recognize their worth and excel in this harsh world. While no one likes to dig into a traumatic past, childhood or generational trauma only a select few can achieve it with such style and grace. You my friend are beautiful inside and out. I’d be hard pressed to find anything but love radiating from your every pore.
Everything in life happens for a reason, good or bad. I’m honoured to meet such a wonderful soul. The universe always has your back, that’s why we were destined to meet.
- Chrissy A, Canada
“You are an amazingly beautiful soul Marisa. I want you to know how you inspire others just with who you are and how you show up. I felt that way after we spoke. As I mentioned, I am learning how to show up, use my voice and share. Meeting you has been an answer to prayer in calling in others who gets it, has done "it" and is doing it.
Raising the vibration, helping people connect to themselves, who they are at soul level. With love, and faith, and grace.
Although I haven't personally experienced your program, from what I've learned about you in our "visit" and from what I have read about you on your website, you are helping people change their lives for generations to come. In ways that filter into every aspect of their lives. Such important work 💞”
-Tinya S, Canada
"I truly want to thank you. You have absolutely changed my outlook and I am so truly thankful. Your program allowed me to look at situations that happened in the past as teachers driving me to my higher self or based on patterns I have been conditioned into throughout my life. You have been such a vital role in my healing journey and I will forever be thankful for your support!"
- Allyson L
"Marisa has a gift for delivering clear information for everyone to understand and she is a breath of fresh air. There is no choice for you to be drawn to her positive and calm energy and feel the same way around her."
-Josee St. P
"My results are a true reflection of who Marisa is, what she knows, how she delivers it, and how she makes others feel."
"I am so grateful for Marisa and the unique way she shares her knowledge. It is so powerful. I’d recommend her to anyone who’s feeling lost and unsure of what to do next. "
-Brianna S.
"Marisa is a wonderful guide for getting you to connect with yourself. She shares so much of herself in a way that invites you to do the same with the world. "
-Paige I
"Marisa shares her intuitive gifts and her knowledge in a gentle, yet powerful way."
-Fay D.
"Each lesson really stuck with me in a deeper, intuitive way beyond just learning. It was almost as if Marisa's words and the themes enveloped my soul and created a deeper effect than I even realized in the moment."
-Shannon F
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